Bike Advertising

Bike Road Shows, Bike Advertising

We provide customers with a high-quality selection of mobile bike advertising from our extensive service offering. Many clients can use these services because they meet their needs. Under the guidance of qualified professionals, the entire range is precisely rendered in accordance with the predefined industrial quality standards, using high-grade raw materials and cutting-edge techniques.


Modern recumbent quad advertising bikes are called Adbikes (also known as Promobikes, Ad Bikes, and Advertising Bikes).
Modern recumbent quad advertising bikes are called Adbikes (also known as Promobikes, Ad Bikes, and Advertising Bikes). Using two six-sheet posters, the integrated A-Frame on the ad bike enables the advertiser to deliver their message directly to the target audience. These small advertising bikes are available for hire and are produced exclusively in-house for Promobikes Ltd. in the UK.

The company that helped develop the idea of bicycle advertising is known as Promobikes, and it continues to produce and use the more stable and attractive four-wheel bikes made specifically for the purpose. Promogroup operates the less attractive and unstable three-wheel (trike adbikes) that are occasionally used because we want our products to reflect the high standards and professionalism of your brand. You can order the number of units you need and the best-looking ads from Promobikes.

Imagine putting two bus stop posters right in front of the audience you’re trying to reach to get an idea of the impact of the bikes; this is literally the ‘in your face’ mobile advertising that Promobikes provide. This creative, eye-catching “street” advertising medium draws attention wherever it goes and offers high-impact impressions for a very low cost per thousand. It is possible to push, pedal, and park the Promobikes in strategic locations.



Promobikes can be used to advertise at city or town centres, new business openings, sporting events, performances, exhibitions, and concerts.
You might also want to make use of our riders by training them to respond to inquiries about the goods or services you provide.
Promobikes can successfully reach your audience, whether your business is regionally or nationally focused. With Promobikes, you can now run an accountable and effective campaign without having to spend a sizable portion of your advertising budget on local or national radio or print media.
Promobikes can target city or town centres, new site or store openings, sporting events, performances, exhibitions, and concerts, as well as product launches, promotions, and product sampling.
enthusiastic, driven, and seasoned riders. Riders distribute marketing materials. Campaigns can be local, regional, or national with Promobikes. Onboard audio systems are available for added impact and corporate messaging. For nighttime and wintertime work, lighting and back lighting systems are able to support Bluetooth. All seasons and weather are operational. As opposed to three-wheeled “trike” bikes, which can be extremely unstable. Professional service provided by a consultative, inventive, adaptable, and customer-focused business from planning to delivery to post-campaign analysis, which includes a summary and pictures of the bikes in use.
Competitive pricing that takes rider costs into account. Modern bikes that cost less than our competitors’ products while being lighter, less clunky, sportier, and more portable Personal, property, and public liability insurance for both the rider and the bike


Lorem Ipsum is merely the typesetting and printing industry’s equivalent of dummy text.
The printing and typesetting industries’ version of Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text.Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since an enigmatic printer mixed up a type galley to make a type specimen book in the 1500s. It has endured not only five centuries but also the transition to electronic typesetting and has not changed significantly. It gained popularity in the 1960s when Letraset sheets with Lorem Ipsum passages were released, and more recently when desktop publishing programmes like Aldus PageMaker included Lorem Ipsum versions.

The Lorem Ipsum of the printing and typesetting trade is merely dummy text. Since an unidentified printer scrambled a type galley to create a type specimen book in the 1500s, Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text. It has endured for more than five hundred years. Since an unidentified printer scrambled a type galley to create a type specimen book in the 1500s, Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text. It has endured for more than five hundred years. Since an unidentified printer scrambled a type galley to create a type specimen book in the 1500s, Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text. It’s lasted more than five years.